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Laboratory Bloodborne Pathogens Sharps Online Training


 Laboratory Bloodborne Pathogens Sharps  Online Training


Who Should Take This Course?

The target audience is for individuals that:

  • Conduct job tasks in laboratory areas;
  • Range in scientific ability from novice to expert; or
  • Conduct job tasks with small quantities (<100L) of hazardous materials.

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The course contains information pertaining to the following legislation:

  • 29 CFR 1910.1030 - Bloodborne pathogens;
  • 29 CFR 1904.8 - Recording criteria for needlestick and sharps injuries;
  • 29 CFR 1904.9 - Recording criteria for cases involving medical removal under OSHA standards; and
  • 29 CFR 1910.1027 App F - Non-mandatory Protocol for Biological Monitoring.


The objectives of this course are to assist employers with compliance of US legislation by instructing laboratory employees that could become exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials on the disease-causing effects of pathogenic organisms.

The training outlines methods by which a laboratory worker can determine their risk of exposure, the precautions that should be taken to prevent personal and third party contamination--including the concept of universal precautions--and the procedures to follow should an exposure occur. Furthermore, it covers the components required to achieve a successful needle sharps program, and the protocols for the treatment of contaminated surfaces and wastes.

This course also seeks to provide an online training course that covers common aspects of laboratory safety that employers provide to impacted US employees. This training communicates legally required information, and is usually administered prior to starting a task, if the task changes, or as a refresher course.

Finally, this training recommends the best practice procedures that impacted employees can practically utilize to ensure their own personal safety as well as the safety of their coworkers.


This course is divided into six sections. The approximate time to complete each section is shown below.


Section Title Duration
Introduction and Course Overview
10 Min.
Overview and Legal Aspects
10 Min.
Bloodborne Pathogens Diseases
30 Min.
Modes of Transmission & Exposure Determination
45 Min.
Control Measures
45 Min.
Emergency Procedures & Exposure Control Plan
10 Min.
30 Min.
3 Hours


This course has one 25 question final exam. A 70% score or better is required to pass the final exam.

If a student does not pass the exam the first time, they may retake the exam as many times as necessary in order to pass.