There has been a significant shift away from the heavy steel and ceramic plates to the better protection offered by lightweight SWAT Armor made from Poly materials. These new materials can absorb multiple hits and due to their light weight, the SWAT operators can move more quickly over extended periods of time.
Depending on the agency, SWAT Teams can wear a rifle plate ranging from Level IV armor piercing rated, Level III+ which stops rounds like the .308, Green Tip rated plates and Level III rifle rated plates. Many of these Level III also stop .308 rounds.
Get your questions answered and get an official quote today for lightweight SWAT armor that has a 15 Year Warranty and offers superior protection.
SWAT armor that weighs less than 2 pounds per plate is now available. The days of heavy plates that slow down teams, decrease efficiency and cause long-term injuries to neck, back and knees are largely behind us. We have supplied many SWAT Teams with lightweight Level IV, Level III+, Green Tip and Level III rifle plates. Get your questions answered and get an official quote for lightweight armor that has a 15 year warranty today.
It's easy to just look at the upfront cost of armor but if you look at the numbers, lightweight swat armor is available at a lower overall cost than cheaper steel or old style ceramic plates. A 15 year warranty rifle plate can be just under 3 times more expensive than outdated armor that comes with a 5 year warranty. Add in the administrative costs of bringing in vendors and suppliers to show their latest and greatest every 5 years. Why not switch to every 15 years? Less hassle and more time focusing on the real mission.
Another cost savings with lightweight armor that has a 15 year warranty is the lowered long-term cost associated with bad necks, backs and knees. Care for these types of disabilities is expensive and does cost the municipality money.
Combining superior protection with lightweight SWAT armor that has a 15 year warranty makes sense to the SWAT operator as well as those tasked with the fiduciary responsibility to the tax payers.
Get your official quote today and see why SWAT Teams and their municipalities come to EOD Gear for their SWAT Armor and SWAT Gear.